Monday, April 9, 2018

Manning Madness

I am back on the blog after a short but eternal sabbatical. However, I do read what you post every week so thanks for doing that! Ever since December we have had very little healthiness going on which isn't fun. But we are improving now and I am hopeful that we won't just go back into another slump. 
It has been an eventful 2018 so far. We were having some kind of trouble with our furnace and weren't sure what was going on. After many, many, many companies coming over and scratching their heads over our 1976 AC and wacky furnace set up, I could probably work at an HVAC company and sound pretty legit. All of the quotes were around 8,000-9,000 dollars until Nick did some digging in our home warranty and we got everything worked out for half that amount. We felt very blessed that it fell apart before we had been here a year.
Shortly after that, Nick came down with the flu and gave it to Wesley who gave it to me! They didn't seem to have it too bad but I had to go to the emergency room and stay in bed for a couple of weeks. Thanks to all of you who helped at the drop of a hat to come play with Wesley and keep me sane. We have the best family in the world!
This last week was Nick's spring break. It was wonderful to start it off with General Conference which was so inspiring! Then Wesley and I stayed at HQ in Hyde Park while Nick went to Nevada for the frontsight handgun training. To say he was excited would be a gross understatement. He came back glowing. I don't quite understand but maybe you other guys might? Anyway, he managed on the second day to get a flat tire but the place that fixed it basically did it for free which was so nice! Then on the last day, he went to the Las Vegas temple and went to dinner afterwards. When he came out, someone had smashed our car windows and taken his temple bag and his 72 hour kit. So that was exciting. Neither of these events dampened the thrill of the training for Nick.
Other than that, life is great! We found out we are having another boy which is exciting. Wesley will be such a good big brother. He is talking up a storm and is obsessed with basketball. That is the most important thing right now and it is what we do all day. When we went to the library he looked for a basketball book and it is his prized possession. It is so fun!
Other than that I think there is nothing to report. Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!

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