Monday, April 16, 2018

Flake Fun

Well, we hit a cold & windy spell for the last couple of days with nighttime temps around 22 degrees and wind gusts up to 75 mph.  Needless to say, I think we lost all chance of fruit on our trees this year.  It did warm up a little on Saturday so we were able to plant some stuff outside (corn, spinach, lettuce, onions, & broccoli).  We're keeping our fingers crossed that the weather is ready to warm up now. It was 55 degrees at 6:45 this morning so perhaps we'll get our wish.

Glad to hear that Cookie is doing well! 

I led the discussion in Relief Society yesterday.  It was on Elder Rasband's "By Divine Design" talk from October & it is a great talk.  The thing that really stood out to me was a quote by Elder Maxwell that talked about how many of us don't take advantage of the "people-opportunities" allotted to us.  How true that is!  That is one thing that I personally really struggle with; not wanting to be a burden or problem so I have a mentality of "I can get through it alone."  I am resolving to do better.  But, I encourage everyone to take another look at that talk.  It is awesome!

That's about it for us.  Hope that everyone has a great week!

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