Sunday, April 29, 2018

Hart Happenings

Hey all!
  My apologies for our too-long hiatus.   It took me quite a while to catch up on all the blog posts we've missed!  Never a dull moment in this clan, I swear.
  This week has been full!  We started off celebrating Alex and my anniversary.  13 years.  And with three boys the perfect way to celebrate is to have your oldest child split his chin open and have a member of the bishopric stop by on his way home from work (emergency room doc) to stitch him up on your kitchen island.  Then watch the next son kill it at his soccer game, and finally end the day on a  helicopter ride with the best ministering brethren the world has ever known.  Unbelievable!  I couldn't make this stuff up people.
  Compared to that Monday, the rest of the week was tame.  Play day with the cousins, moving the chickens out of the kitchen (praise the Lord), prepping the yard of the airbnb houses, and hosting a baby shower for a friend who is pregnant with her 5th baby (after 4 boys finally a girl) definitely worth the celebration!
  The weather was spectacular this weekend so we spent the bulk of it outside.  We got the sprinkler system up and going again. We trimmed up all the tall poplars on the perimeter of the property and had a commercial chipping machine come and chip up all the branches.  The boys were freaking out!  It was an amazing piece of machinery!  We began ripping out the hedge on one side of our garden.  It lets in so much more sunlight!
  Ian had fun playing night games with his friends on Saturday night after we attended our first ever gender-reveal party for our friends' kittens.  Yes, that is right, and heavy on the irony.  It was HILARIOUS!  I'm still laughing about it.  You would love the couple that hosted it.  They are probably the funniest, best people I have ever met.  And the wife is from Cove.  Not surprising, right?  So fun!
  We are reading Summer of the Monkeys right now and laugh our heads off through every chapter.  So great to revisit those classics that I remember Mom reading.
  Can't wait for the Gathering and we are also super excited for all of you entering new chapters of your lives.  Thomas (new job), Joe and Lori (new job and house), Mom and Dad (for real empty-nesters, new house, retirement).  Big changes like that can provide so much impetus and momentum into whatever lies ahead.  Lots of positive vibes and energy coming from us to you guys!
  See you in a couple of weeks......


  1. Oh my goodness!! I've never heard of anything so funny as a gender-reveal for kittens! Who even thought of that??!! You definitely have some interesting friends, Elise, from Cove or not! But you didn't tell us the outcome - how many and what gender kittens are they expecting? :0

  2. Elise, thanks for the reminder that this time truly is a stepping stone for an exciting time ahead. I keep letting a feeling of dread creep in, which isn't very healthy. I prefer the "new chapter" and "momentum into whatever lies ahead" approach better. Thank you, thank you!
