Sunday, April 1, 2018

HP HQ Happenings

Conference was a wonderful experience this weekend! "I feel like shouting Hallelujah whenever I...." listen to conference! What a blessing to have such amazing, inspired leaders. I hope you all got to hear or watch most or all of the sessions. I felt the whole time like everything spoken and all of the changes are just leading us closer to becoming a Zion people. Let's Gather to Zion, family!!

Lauren and Wesley are here to spend spring break while Nick is out of town. It is a delight to have them here. This little 2-year-old has completely won our hearts. He rules the roost and has each of us wrapped around his little finger! We are very happy that Lauren is feeling better day by day. She is still not completely 100%, but is doing much better than when I was at her house a couple of weeks ago.  Thanks to everyone who went down to stay and help her. It was a blessing to her and Wesley.

I waited all last week for a baby to come, but to no avail. I will wait again this week. It's always a waiting game. Only problem when a baby is slow to come is that it gets closer to the time the next baby is due to come. That gets a bit stressful. Hopefully we'll get this baby here this week before the one who is due next week decides to come...

The weather goes back and forth still, but we do have flowers blooming, which makes us think that spring did not forget to come this year.  We hope to get outside before long and get things in shape.

Dad had a crown on his tooth replaced this week. Again. They don't last forever. He's busy at work, but busier at home getting three talks ready to give at his stake conference next weekend, which causes a bit of stress. Elder Stanfill is coming to preside at that conference, which also causes some stress. Things are winding down for this semester, but that means his interviews are winding up for missionaries and for weddings. Also, he must replace 4 bishops and create 2 new wards and call 2 other bishops this summer. That takes weeks and weeks of preparation - multitudes of phone calls and interviews and paper work. Needless to say, he is rather consumed with church work right now.

We are looking forward to having you all here for our family gathering in May. Thanks for responding. More information will follow before long. Have a great week!

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