Monday, April 23, 2018

Flake Fun

This week was fairly normal but our weekend was amazingly productive!  Scott did some plumbing fixes on Saturday morning & then hit some of the weeds with weed killer.  We stopped at the cousin's house but they had people doing professional insulation so we didn't stay long.  Then we worked on our front island (it is getting closer to completion!), took a long bike ride and planted potatoes.  By that time it was dark so we relaxed for the rest of the evening.  

The weather has decided to warm up a bit so we enjoyed being outside quite a bit.  It did freeze a couple of nights last week though.  We're not sure if our apple trees survived. 

Funny story of the week:  We went on our Sunday morning walk through the back field.   The cows were kind of bunched together and didn't get out of the way very much.  And they were being quite noisy.  We walked past them & headed up a small hill.  I turned around & looked back and the entire herd was following us!  It looked like we were taking our cows out for a walk!!!  They followed us all the way around the field and back!  Quite the sight I am sure!

Our fish survived the winter and are quite big. It is fun to watch them and they are quite the attraction to visiting neighborhood grandchildren. 

I had an interesting scriptural insight yesterday.  I was actually reading the Ensign & came across a scripture about pruning the olive trees.  It said something about not cutting off all of the bitter branches at once lest the root overtakes the branches.  The article interpreted this to mean that we need opposition so the Lord won't remove all of the hard stuff from life.  But the thing that came to my mind was that we don't have to tackle all of our sins, shortcomings or flaws all at once.  Take them down one branch at a time & make sure that they are really gone & that your tree is still strong before you tackle the next one.  Sometimes I have a habit of looking at everything that I want to change about myself & getting overwhelmed by the size of the task which brings feelings of worthlessness, self doubt & despair.  That is definitely not good for my "tree".  Interesting thought.

Anyway, love you all!  Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!  There are plenty of nice big houses for sale in Snowflake if anyone is interested! (And housing is significantly cheaper here!!)

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