Sunday, April 22, 2018

Manning Moments

The last little while has been pretty low key. We built a little fence around our chicken coop and we will be putting our chickens outside because they are getting so big! Nick is quite the handyman and he figured out all the little particulars. 
We have been taking a hypnobirthing class from a lady in our ward and she is a hoot! We just laugh the whole class which is really fun. My favorite quote from last week was "labor doesn't have to be a fish flipping experience people!"
Wesley is a basketball nut. I have never seen anything like it. We take the basketball everywhere with us: the store, the library, on walks, to bed, etc. We have only gotten basketball books from the library lately and he just pores over them. He notices everything that slightly resembles a ball or a hoop. It is so funny! We are getting him a little hoop for his birthday this week and I am so excited I can hardly wait. The only problem with the obsession is that he doesn't sleep well sometimes. He wakes up crying for his ball or really early because he wants to play ball.
Life is good. Can't wait to see you all!

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