Sunday, April 22, 2018

Nilsson News

I think that spring has finally found Idaho Falls!  This weekend we have had temps in the 60's and everyone is looking a little more pink cheeked now.  It is funny to me that as soon as the weather hits 60, all of the sudden people are wearing flip flops and shorts and are buying burgers for grilling.  And yet, when we went to Arizona and the temps were 60, everyone was wearing a jacket saying how cold it was.  Perspective.
Things with our little goat are looking up.  It has been a wild ride, but he is now out and about kicking his feet and jumping all over the place.  I keep thinking about when Joe broke his femur how long of a recovery it was and if only he had the hardiness of a goat, he would have been back to playing basketball in no time!  Cookie's femur broke in two places resulting in three separate pieces of bone.  Ouch!  It's crazy that it can heal itself.
Millie is now a walker!  She is so excited about it and it is very entertaining to watch her accomplishment.  She walks down the hall looking like she is cheering with her hands held high above her head for balance.  Adorable.
All the other kids are super excited about this springtime weather and have been putting the treehouse and swingset to good use.  My mind has begun spinning with all the projects that continuously appear.  Why is it that on a projects list you write down five things and only get to check off one before adding another five?  Currently, a chicken coop is a top priority since our chicks are growing way too fast.
It is hard to believe that we will be seeing all of you in just a few more weeks!  Family Gathering time already.  I think most or all of our activities should be at the house because this will be our final shin dig there.  That is kind of a sad thing to think about so I think I will stop thinking about it.  We should definitely have a night for reminiscing on all the wonderful memories we have made there.  Nothing can replace our HP HQ!

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