Sunday, April 15, 2018


Well it's been a whirlwind the last couple of weeks!  I quit my job as the Fitness Director for Avanti, and that same day Tori and I went to the gym and I got offered a job there, out of the blue!  God's plan is really something, ya know?!  Kinda blows my mind sometimes.  So I've been working at our gym setting people set up with trainers and programs, which is tough, but good!

Tori and I got the opportunity the first week of April to go to Hawaii with her family.  We started the first couple days on the island of Kauai where we learned how to surf!  We also read about this really neat, short hike, the Queens Bath, so we decided to go try it out.  Now it had been raining pretty consistently since we arrived with a couple of hurricane style storms here and there, so it was pretty wet everywhere.  Anyway!  We go to the trail head and it looked pretty muddy... Eh, it'll be alright, it's less than a mile, so we decide to go for it.  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh silly us... it was so so muddy.  People were falling down right and left!  Best part, we get to the rocky shore where the "bath" was and there's this wooden sign that looks like it was carved by the Swiss Family Robinson with 28 notches in it, meaning that 28 people had died getting to this pool!  But have fun!  But it all seriousness, it was gorgeous.  I'll attach some pictures to show ya.

We got to spend a day at the Polynesian Culture Center, which was so cool!  I remember one of our family videos has some clips dad took there, and it's exactly the same today.  Really fun activities, with great food and entertainment, 10/10 would recommend to anyone! We also got to wander around Pearl Harbor right before we left, which was also really special.

The day we got back, Tori had to leave 5 hours later for work in Florida.  So she kind of just rearranged her bag and had to get back on the plane!  She's taking noise samples on the Royal Princess cruise ship.  Yes, she's literally getting paid to be on a 7 day cruise right now.  Yup.  So that's pretty neat I guess... Nope, I'm not jealous....

We're so excited to see everyone in May!  Can't wait!  Anyway, that's about it for us!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, T! What a fun, beautiful trip! Glad you finally got to remember what rain is, and wearing a jacket ;) It would be great to be there with the whole family....
