Sunday, May 6, 2018

HP HQ Highlights

I have been laughing and crying and trying to absorb all the news I've read this morning from the latest blog posts we've missed reading recently. Thank you for the inspiring thoughts. How grateful to be reminded that one sin at a time is all we need to work on and that the Lord is always available regardless of ...  And, "oh my heck" (Dorothy Seamons), who in the world reveals kitten genders??!! I can't stop laughing about that one....

Anyway, my brain has been so full and the days so busy that I'm feeling quite dysfunctional - can't figure out what to do first. Not that I've been extremely functional in the past, but it is worse now than ever! I spent two weeks trying to get overdue babies to come, and they finally all came! Four babies in six days was a bit crazy! Then I have to take care of them afterward, so it is busy still. Glad they are all here, safe and sound and happy. It really is a miracle each time and I'm grateful to have a hand in it.

In the middle of the birthing times, we managed to make an offer on a house. It was rejected. They wanted us to be a back up offer, but for a lot more money. No thanks. Now we are looking in earnest. Around and around this valley we drive. Perhaps we'll end up in Snowflake or Idaho Falls or Utah County, after all! Keep your eyes out for a house for us, wherever you are!!

The lovely fragrant weather is wonderful and has pulled us outside where we (mostly Dad) weed, mow, clean, prune, clip, dig, organize, sneeze and wheeze. I love these first ventures out in the spring. So refreshing and wonderful. It does feel a little strange not to be planting something in the ground, though.

Emma has moved home. It is very nice to have her here. There are still several things to acquire and accomplish before next weekend, but we'll get them done, I'm sure. I had hoped we'd have purchased another home before she left on her mission so she would at least know where she'd be coming home to, but unless that happens in the next couple of days, it will be a surprise when she returns!

I know I've mentioned it to some of you, but perhaps not all because of my brain fog, so I wanted to be sure you all are aware that J R Allred passed away. I miss him. Lots of changes in our neighborhood in a short time. Iva Lou Balls turned 94 last week and is not doing real well. Emma plans to visit her and several of the older ladies this week. They likely won't be here when she gets back. Sad, sad thought. The changes are good for those leaving, not as easy for those of us still here. It is really changing the dynamic of our neighborhood. I suppose that's inevitable.

One of the dumbest things I've done occurred last week. I purchased airline tickets for Thomas and Victoria to come for the family gathering. It didn't go through, so I purchased them again. Well, apparently Thomas and Victoria cannot both have two seats for the same flight for one price. It did work the first time, so I unknowingly duplicated the purchase - urrrrggggh! We are arguing with the airlines to see if they will refund the tickets that cannot be used. I really don't like it when I do things like that.

So, the family gathering. It will be loads of fun! Watch for an email today. TODAY, I say. It will come today and tell you everything you need to know.

I love you all and can't wait to see you in 5 days!!!

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