Monday, March 28, 2016

Manning Musings

I have definitely been a less active member of the blog community but it doesn't mean I don't think about it every week! I was so glad for mom's email nudge today to write on the blog so here I am finally. The last little while we have had some fun times. First of all, our trip to Georgia was especially nice. We were invited to Nick's friend's wedding in Atlanta and we piggy-backed it with a spring break vacation. It was so nice to be in warmer weather relaxing and playing on the beach. The wedding was very simple and nice. While in Atlanta we went to the aquarium and it was unbelievable. Nick lived a childhood dream of seeing a real whale shark! It was huge! Quite the aquarium if you ever get a chance to see it. We then went to Savannah and enjoyed visiting parts of Thomas' mission. We particularly enjoyed the Spanish moss on the trees and the beautiful beach. We found a jelly fish that washed up on the beach and lots of perfect sea shells. One funny story was when we were walking in historic Savannah and we saw an older lady pushing a stroller and we thought it might be a grandchild. When we turned to look at the "baby" it was quite shocking to see a parakeet in a little bird cage! So funny! We also got to see a Civil War Fort and that was fascinating.
Since we got back we have been doing lots of school things and Nick is getting ready for his recital on April 26. Nick has been very interested in the current political events and we went to our Caucus meeting last week which was very interesting.
So excited for General Conference this weekend and the uplift it always is! Hope to see some of you!


  1. Glad that you had so much fun! Hope to see you soon!

  2. Thanks for posting! I didn't see it until today... You'll have to go on another vacation after Nick graduates and baby arrives - to celebrate all the wonderful things happening in your lives :)

  3. Fun to hear about your adventures!
