Sunday, April 3, 2016

Flake Fun

3 April 2016 - Happy April everyone!  Hope that everyone enjoyed conference.  We had a pretty decent week.  I was finally able to get my stuff into my new office on Thursday.  It is still a mess but hopefully it will get more organized in the next week or so.  My boss' last day was Thursday which was quite sad but it will be a good move for his family.

Scott had Friday off so we spent the day doing garden stuff.  We spread out our compost piles and Scott tilled them into the garden.  We also got our seeds started in the greenhouse.  We are waiting for fennel and dill seeds to come.  We are hoping that they will be natural pest control.  Anyone know if it actually works?

Saturday we spent with Dad & Mom Flake making sausage.  We processed 150+ pounds of ground beef and it took all day.  We were exhausted but satisfied at the end of the day.

TJ and Kim have moved into their new home!  Yay!  Now our weekends will be taken up working on our new rental that TJ and Kim were living in!

I think that is about all that we have to report.  Hope that you were all able to get together for conference.  Hope that the new house works out for the Nilsson's.  Can't wait to hear about everyone's adventures!!!

Love you all!  Have a great week!


  1. I'm a wee bit jealous of all the fun gardening you're doing! What work has to be done on the rental house? Are TJ and Kim going to return the favor and help you?! :)

  2. I guess it's time for another trip to Snowflake so us girls can play in your new rental house too! Fennel and dill really work along with peppers and marigolds! Begone, vile pests!
