Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hart Happenings

According to Jack, the most notable part of the week was the mountain of compost we had delivered that covered our driveway and that the boys had a blast spreading on the gardens and flower beds. They were excellent workers, as I tried to remind myself as I cleaned up the dirt they tracked through the house all weekend. 
They boys put together and manned a popcorn tasting booth at the community seed swap this year. There were four different varieties that the public tasted and then voted on. Two of the varieties Ian grew in his gardening class last year. It was a lot of fun. That same day mom called and said she was on her way to the seed store and Alex was at home tilling the garden, so when we got got back we just HAD to plant a few rows. It was in the air! We got some peas and lettuce and orach in. Of course, when I woke up this morning there were mammoth snowflakes imperturbably falling from the sky. *sigh* We will see how it goes......
  We got to watch our friend's baby for a few days when she got stricken with a severe case of food poisoning. It was fun to add a little 8-month old girl into our manly mix. Happily her mom recovered and is feeling much better. 
  They boys sang in Sacrament Meeting today which was cute. Peter did not want to be left out but once he got up there he wasn't so keen on singing either so he just stood there. It was good moral support, I suppose. 
  Good luck, Emma, on your big week! You'll be just right!

I feel like I've been posting a lot of sleeping Peter pictures lately. But they happen all the time! He leads such an exciting life and it definitely represents how the rest of us feel trying to keep up with him!

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