Monday, March 21, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

We don't have any photos to post simply because I don't know how to get them from my phone on to the computer. But we had a good week, regardless of no pictures.  Emma did well at the Hyde Park Royalty Pageant, as you've heard.  That was a funny thing - I decided to send a text to all the sisters and sisters-in-law because I thought they'd like to know.  Then I thought maybe the brothers ought to know too, so I added Joe and Thomas to the text.  Boom!  Immediately there were responses from.... the brothers!!  It was quite humorous to me.  The girls all responded in time for Emma to be touched by the support when she got home to read the texts.  Thanks for making your baby sister feel important and loved.

It was fun to have the Nilssons here this past weekend.  We celebrated Garrett's birthday, went for walks to see new baby twin calves (so charmingly cute), planted onions, pruned trees, played games, attended all sessions of the temple dedication and had some fun time visiting.  We hope to still have those opportunities when they move to Idaho!

We've had interesting weather this week - everything from sunny, 60 degree days to snow to rain to hail to wind and back to sunny 60 degrees!  It was nice enough for another walk today, but is supposed to snow tomorrow.  At least it's not boring!

We are receiving daily phone calls with invitations to attend phone town hall meetings, encouragement to attend our caucus meetings, watch debates, and otherwise get involved in politics.  Emma is getting fed up with it all.  This promises to be an interesting year with some important decisions to be made.  I'm trying to endure it patiently, but I really wish there were some dignified, wise, honest statesmen out there that I could feel good about voting for!  Well, I guess we'll be off to the caucus tomorrow...

Have a lovely week, all!

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