Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hart Happenings

This week started with an unanticipated trip to Casper Wyoming to take care of some of Alex's dad's commercial properties. It was a very successful venture and we were able to resolve some problems that we hadn't been able to overcome for weeks before and left Casper with a dined lease and a down payment check. Yay!
On our way home we hit white-out conditions just outside of Jackson Hole.
We found a hotel room there and holed up for the night instead of attempting the mountain pass. The next morning the pass was closed to anyone without chains on their tires so we took the long way home through the beautiful Wind River country. The minute we crossed the Wyoming Idaho line the snow disappeared. 

We enjoyed having Garrett over for dinner on Wednesday. The boys had fun wrestling their uncle and he and Alex made plans to see a movie this week so we're already seeing pi dictators of what it's going to be like having them up here permanently and we're huge fans!
Alex's brother Josh and his family came into town on Thursday so we got to spend some good time with the Hart side of the family over the weekend. We looked at some houses that we are considering buying to expand our vacation home rental venture. Alex has to turn people down every day and we are convinced that we could easily keep another property occupied. We'll see what we can find. 
The weather this weekend was lovely so we spent some quality time outside yesterday working in the yard and today we drove up to Rexburg and wandered around in the gardens up there and reveled in the sunshine. Lovely!
Happy Birthday to Garrett today and happy first day of Spring! It's official!

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