Sunday, March 27, 2016

Flake Fun

27 March 2016 - Happy Easter everyone!  We had a pretty good Easter, including a visit from all of the Flake siblings and niece.  It was fun to have lunch/dinner and visit.  Little Katelyn is sure growing up (she turned 1 this week). 

This week at work was pretty normal. After 3 months, Scott was able to move back to his cubicle and have a desk instead of a folding table.  When we arrived at work on Thursday, the facilities guys had unplugged his computer and put his folding table in his cubicle!  It took a couple of days to get everything put back together.  I hear that they should be close to finished with my office area in the next couple of days.  Hopefully it will be the last move for a little while at least. 

TJ and Kim received their certificate of occupancy so as soon as their permanent funding closes (hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday) they can move in!  We are so happy for them!  We had a little party on Friday to celebrate!  Now what will we do with our weekends? 

Yesterday we went on a young men/young women/scout hike in the Grand Canyon.  It was a pretty hike which turned brutal on the last 1.5 miles.  I believe it was about 13 miles all told. We haven't moved very fast today.  It was easy to spot the leaders at church that were had done the hike.  The youth didn't look any worse for the wear!

This is Trinitee a cousin and neighbor

While I was trudging, the thought came to me that slow and steady doesn't always win the race, but it will get you over the finish line.  It seemed fitting for the moment but also fitting for life in general.  The Lord doesn't ask us to win the race, just to cross the finish line.  We don't have to compete against our sibling/neighbor who is more spiritual, has better behaved children, is more charitable or the endless lists of comparisons we tack onto people.  We just have to do our best, even if it is only an inch at a time during some periods.  And it is much easier with a support network, some of which are at our side, encouraging, holding our hands and struggling with us; others who have already made it across the finish line and are waiting patiently for us to arrive, no matter how long it takes.

Love you all!


  1. That is very brilliant insight Jenn. I love it! Just get across the finish line! Glad you survived the hike. How far is it from your place to the Grand Canyon?

  2. Very inspired thought, Jenn. It makes me want to slow down and enjoy the journey rather than try to be the first one across the line - with my hair intact, my grandchildren clean and shiny and perfect, my house immaculate..... Yes, just get across the finish line! Thanks for reminding me.

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