Sunday, March 6, 2016

Nilsson News

Today has been a tender one for our family.  I think it is the first big change in a line of several big changes upcoming.  Garrett was released as the bishop today.  There are a lot of mixed emotions involved with that.  I don't think there would have been many tears of sadness shed if we weren't moving.  It has been a journey and we have learned more than we could have imagined in the short two years he served.  It has been very hard and I regret to say that I wasn't always the most agreeable spouse and mother during it all.  Something I have been pondering lately is the phrase the Lord has always said, "Follow me."  When he said this to his early disciples as they were fishing the scriptures tell us that "They forsook all and followed him."  It hit me that when the Lord asks us to follow, it is rarely convenient and it is almost always challenging.  The thought of leaving so many dear, sweet friends in this neighborhood and ward is going to be so very difficult.  But we have had a confirmation from the Lord that we need to move and "follow him."
Just to update everyone, we have sold our house.  Our buyers close on their home April 4th and we will close soon after that.  We have not found a home in Idaho but we are earnestly seeking.  Garrett will start work up there in one week.  It will be nice that he will be able to spec out homes from up there but not so nice that I will be husbandless for three weeks:(
We now have a new family member whose name is Honda Element.  If you didn't hear, our CR-V bit the dust just before the new year and we have had one vehicle to share.  We were looking for a truck since clearly we will be living in Idaho and I hear everyone who lives in Idaho has a truck, right?  Well, trucks do not make good commuting vehicles and they are a little more pricey than what we had planned, so we found the Element.  We can officially be called granolas now.  Mom, if you ever want to borrow it to go to one of your births, it just puts the final touches on home birth, homeschool and all natural.  Go green (no pun intended but our Element!
This week we will finish off our house projects.  Painting touch ups, small repairs, etc.  What a crazy time!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there! Can't wait to have you up here. Then the fun really begins! We're looking really hard too and have a couple of leads.
