Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hyde Park Herald

As Jenn said last week, there's nothing much to report.  Like the Flakes, "We have spent the week as normal, working, eating and sleeping!"  The only difference is we didn't get a truck load of manure or make another compost pile. But we did move the chicken fence and prune some apple trees (we, meaning Dad) and cleaned up a little in the back. We made plans for taking out the rest of the raspberries and blackberries, moving the bees, extending the garden by the chicken coop and laying some more sod. We also went to the seed store and got onion starts and some seeds to plant inside.  The forecast is for snow this coming week, so we may not get in a big hurry to plant yet :/

Lauren and Nick returned from Georgia and it sounds like they had a delightful time. They entertained Emma and Dad while I was in Ogden and Layton on Friday. It was fun to be with Ruth's family for a few hours and do some little things to help - refill bean bags, have the children "help" as we sorted through some craft things, discarding items that Ruth didn't want to have to move and find a place for in Idaho, and put rings on jars of bottled fruit so that the movers will take them in the moving truck. Little things can sure add up and take time, so I hope to keep going down and helping with the little things.

Emma has a beautiful new formal dress. I wish I could figure out how to get the pictures off my phone and on to this blog like Elise does. Emma will wear the dress to junior prom, but first will wear it this week to participate in the Hyde Park City royalty pageant. She has an interview with judges tomorrow afternoon then will wear her formal to the pageant on Tuesday where she will walk down the runway while an announcer tells about her. She and the other contestants have to answer a spontaneous question in front of the judges and audience, then a queen and four attendants will be selected. She could use some extra prayers again this week!

Thomas and Victoria should be home some time today from their honeymoon. Then we hope they will settle down to real life! Vacations can't last forever and real life is much more fun and satisfying in the long run :)

I attended a parents' band meeting this week to hear about plans for the trip to Disneyland later this year. They are offering special deals for families wanting to tag along with the band! Anyone want to meet in Anaheim on November 1st?  Let me know if you're interested and I'll send the information and see what we can arrange! It would certainly be fun....  Oh, and I will email any interested parties about the mattress fund raiser they are having. It's a great deal if you need to replace any mattresses! If you have friends or other family members in need of a new mattress, pass on the info and help Emma earn money for her $1,000+ band fees :)

Hopefully, it won't take everyone else as long to recover from the time change as it takes me. At this time every year I am tempted to move to Arizona where they have the same time schedule all year, smart people!  I keep waiting for Jenn to invite everyone for a Conference Super Bowl party, but I might just have to show up uninvited!

Have a great week...

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