Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hyde Park Herald

Can it have been a week already since we were together?! Thanks to everyone for making the effort to be here to support Thomas and Victoria. Thank you for your help! Thank you for making things fun, whatever we do! We couldn't do much without all of you! We were tired after the wedding celebration and took a couple of days to get back in gear, but then we were off and running again.

Emma and I enjoyed a trip to Idaho to help celebrate Ian's 10th (!!!!) birthday!  We surprised him by picking him up from scouts and were delighted to hear him exclaim, "This is the best day of my life!" That boy knows how to make a grandma feel like a million bucks!  We had ice cream cake, played games, went shopping for a formal dress for Emma and ate yummy homemade chicken noodle soup. We can't wait to go back :)

Joseph came up to teach Lauren's class for her.  I attended the class and admit that much of it was over my head.  It was very interesting, however, to learn about why voices sound like they do on the telephone and how to manipulate a recording to make it sound better - or worse!  When Joe walked in our house on Wed. night he said what I think every day, "Whoa! It's too quiet here."  It's a little hard to think and to concentrate some days because it's too quiet.

Thanks to everyone for remembering Emma in your prayers this week.  She won't know for several weeks how she did on the test, but she certainly felt supported. Last night she went to a friend's house to watch a movie and while she was gone someone dropped off a box of Ding Dongs with a note that said, "I'd be a Ding Dong if I didn't ask you to Prom."  So I guess she'll be going to Junior Prom.  Good thing she has a new dress to wear!

The newlyweds are all traveling... (I've been told you're newlyweds until your first anniversary).  Thomas and Victoria went to Florida and spent a couple of days at Disney World before getting on the cruise ship yesterday.  Lauren and Nick left Friday to fly to Georgia to attend Nick's friend's wedding. They hope to spend some time walking on the beach in warm weather.

Anyone want to get together for General Conference? Here? Salt Lake? Baby Shower? Let us know your thoughts/plans....  (My unrealistic vote is to head for Arizona - where it's 70+ degree weather!)

Love you all tons and can't wait to see you again!

Something to Think About:
We had an inspiring testimony meeting today.  I was struck by something Jessie Knight said.  She often feels overwhelmed and like she's not doing all she ought to be doing. She told about reading through an old journal this week and came across something she had written a few years ago. She recorded what was spoken in a blessing she received when she was feeling particularly low.  It reminded her that Heavenly Father doesn't love her for what she does. Heavenly Father loves HER.  It was quite profound.  It reminded me about something Elder David B. Haight once said, “God does not love us because we are lovable, have a pleasing personality or a good sense of humor, or at rare times show exceptional kindness. In spite of who we are and what we have done, God wants to pour out His love on us, for the unlovable are also precious unto Him.”

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