Sunday, March 13, 2016

Flake Fun

13 March 2016 - Sounds like the gardening bug is sweeping the family!  On Tuesday we started tomatoes, leeks, onions, broccoli, spinach and artichokes in the greenhouse.  We also turned our new compost pile and it sure was steaming!  It is starting to look really good.  There doesn't appear to be any snow in our forecast so if you get sick of the snow, come on down!  We do have buds on the fruit trees and we expect them to freeze whenever the final cold snap hits.   The other day at work a friend was commenting that he put in 3 new fruit trees last year.  We asked if they were budding out and he, excitedly said, "Yes!"  I don't think he knew what to do with our "Oh, that's too bad," reaction!

We are both a little sore today because we built porch railings all day yesterday for TJ & Kim's home.  It is coming along really well and it looks very possible that they will be in by the end of this month.

Warning:  Tender hearts should not continue reading...  Yesterday after lunch we were getting back into the swing of things on the porch construction and I heard a puppy whining.  I figured that the neighbor's puppies were fighting or something like that.  When the whining continued, I took a closer look over the field and noticed a little black spot and realized it was Thor.  (Thor is the little pooch that our neighbor got a few months ago.  He is just slightly smaller than Chester.)  The way he was moving I thought perhaps he had gotten into a fight with a prairie dog (some of which are bigger than he is!).  A few minutes later he hadn't moved and was still whining so I went over to investigate.  I found little Thor caught in a coyote trap.  I quickly called Scott because I wasn't strong enough to open the trap.  He came across the field and was able to get the trap open.  I haven't gotten an update on how Thor is doing but I think his leg was small enough that it didn't break it.  Scott was definitely the hero of the day!

Good luck Emma on your pageant-ing!  You'll do a fantastic job!  We are all rooting for you!

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