Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

Happy Easter one and all!!  What a lovely day to celebrate springtime and coming alive again. It's such a blessing to know what it all means. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father loves us so much that He wants us to come home and provided the way for us to do that.  Celia Ashcroft spoke in church today and told about a conversation she had with her dad when she was a teenager.  She was arguing with him about something she wanted to do that he didn't agree with. He finally gave up the fight and told her, "Just remember one thing. No matter what happens or what mistakes you make in your life, you can always come home. Please come home!" I think that's what Easter is all about - the suffering and sacrifice was all so that we can "come home."  Let's be sure to help each other get there.

So, Emma is off to Arizona tomorrow.  She's not very excited about traveling alone, but she'll have a wonderful time with Becca.  I wish she could get up to see Jenn.  Maybe next time.  Becca has lots of plans like pedicures, the butterfly garden, a music museum, swimming at her friend's pool, and shopping.  I'm trying to not be jealous!  Of course, I'll be having fun, too, keeping the Nilsson children occupied while the packers and movers are at their house! That's about as fun as spending time in 70+ degree weather and sitting by the pool..... :)

Dad met with his family yesterday.  They made more plans for our cruise to Alaska.  If anyone wants to come help Lauren and Nick and Baby Manning take care of our yard, garden, chickens, Gem and tend Emma for the 12 days we'll be gone, I'm sure they'd be glad for the help!!

I do hope we get to see or visit with all of you soon! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are going to have a great cruise! We are so excited for you!
