Sunday, March 6, 2016

Flake Fun

6 March 2016 - Well, we don't have a whole lot to report. We have spent the week as normal, working, eating and sleeping!  Yesterday we went to a neighbor's house and got a truck load of manure to have for our garden.  Scott made another compost pile that he is hoping will be ready in about 3 weeks.  Then we'll till it all in and be ready to plant the garden! 

The weather has been windy this weekend but sunny for the most part.   Our Relief Society presidency was re-organized today which is always an exciting thing.  We are also hearing more firm rumors that they will be reorganizing our stake soon and perhaps creating another stake!  But that has been a rumor for the 3 years that we have been here so we'll see what happens! 

Today in Primary the Bishop was talking about prophets and was showing the kids pictures of different prophets.  He held up a picture of Brigham Young and asked if anyone knew who it was.  One adorable little 6 year old yelled out, "That's Brick-a-Brack!"   When the picture of Moroni was held up, a little 5 year old informed her neighbor, "That's Moroni.  I know everything about him."  Ah, nothing like primary to keep you laughing!

I was thinking about conference today and wanted to share a fun idea with you that one family in our ward does.  They have a Super Bowl sized party for General Conference.  Isn't that a fun idea?  Watch it on the big screen, have snacks and food galore.  A great way to help kids/teens understand how exciting it is to listen to the prophets. 

1 comment:

  1. Primary's the best, Jenn! Being there never fails to teach me, again and again, how to laugh! I'm still working on knowing everything about Moroni... Maybe I need to go back to Primary :)
