Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hart Happenings

Happy Easter, people! We had a wonder weekend. Had an egg hunt to end all egg hunts, brought the surrey bike home and got it all cleaned up and ready for another season, enjoyed time with Alex's family, and watched some basketball games. Seriously, does March Madness ever end?
We enjoyed a visit from the Nilssons this week and had fun looking at houses with them. Kind of a bummer how things turned out but we aren't giving up. The perfect house is just around the corner. 
Our homeschooling group also toured the local Museum of Clean, quite possibly one of the most fun museums I've ever been to. All kinds of cleaning paraphernalia from bygone days. So fun!

(Stuffed in a chimney in chimney sweep attire)

On Wednesday the boys were invited by some good friends of ours to come over for a science afternoon. Ryan, the dad, walked the kids through a bunch of experiments in chemical reactions that the boys got a huge kick out of. 

On Thursday night Alex went to play basketball with the guys and about 20 minutes after he left I got this picture
He took an elbow to the lip and has a nice inch and a half gash inside. The outside of his lip is all bruised and swollen, but all in good fun, right?
Speaking of basketball, Jack is out on our tiny patio practicing every day on his little fisher price basketball stand we have. Alex asked him if he wanted to play basketball professionally and he said no because he doesn't want to get hurt by the big guys. So Alex asked why he was practicing so much, was it because he liked it or because he wanted to get really good? Jack said yes he likes it and he just wants to be better than Alex. I had to laugh. The competition is on. 
I really enjoyed the General Women's broadcast last night. I can't remember a time when I heard the women leaders of the church come out and talk so strongly about things. I came away very inspired and motivated. You never regret attending meetings like that. They are such great opportunities and if you don't take them you never even know what you missed out on. 
Hope all is well! Enjoy your week and revel in General Conference!

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