Sunday, February 28, 2016

Fatigued Flakes

28 Feb 2016 - We made it home, safe and sound.  Now we are going to bed!  It was great to see everyone at the festivities.  Hope to see you all again soon.  Wanted to share a few pics from this weekend!

The Happy Groom!



There were never crazier sisters!

4 generations

Simba those babies!

Those crazy outlaws

The blushing bride

Isn't she lovely?  Isn't she wonderful?
Love you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely photos, Jenn! I hope you recovered from your long, long drive. It's a shame to drive that many hours (25+) to spend only that same number of hours here! But I'm very grateful that you're willing to do it! It's always wonderful to see you. And thanks to Scott for fixing our light - that's still working :)
