Sunday, October 4, 2015

Flake Fun

4 October 2015 - Conference was inspiring, wasn't it?  Hope you all had an enjoyable and thought provoking time watching or listening to it.

This week was fairly normal.  This weekend was very productive. We canned some tomatoes and got some little things done that were on our to do list.  We also cut our last cord of oak which was exhausting but it is now done and I think we have enough wood to last us through the winter. 

We saw a skunk last night while driving home from Randy & Dona's house. Luckily we escaped without a scent!

We are starting to plan our garden harvest and preparation for next year.  Scott is researching crop rotation and other such things in the USU Extension book that Dad gave us.  Wonderful and helpful information.  How are the other family gardens?  Winding down?

Yesterday we discussed our Thanksgiving plans and at this point we should be driving up on Wednesday, weather permitting.  It is hard to believe that the holidays are upon us already!  Can't wait to see you all soon!

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