Sunday, October 11, 2015

Manning Musings

Well, we have definitely not been on the blog for awhile! When school started life went into high gear! School has been great though. Nick has a super busy schedule this semester and he is trying to keep his head above water. I am teaching two sections of music 1010 and have enjoyed it for the most part. It is a different experience teaching non-music majors but I have been learning a lot in my research and teaching.
Thank you all for your sweet birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day! Nick sent me on a treasure hunt in our little apartment to find presents and took me to dinner and we watched a movie together. The best birthday ever!
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and seeing everybody. We are also looking forward to a break!

1 comment:

  1. We hear that you are the best Music 1010 teacher around! I love the idea of guest lecturers!
