Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

Whew! I'm glad this past week is behind us. Thanks for all of your kind support and help and encouragement. I was happy that Jenn was here. Her presence is calming and inspiring. I was hoping to barely pass that silly exam and am more than grateful that the Lord somehow made up for my deficiencies.  Just nice to have it behind me. Thanks to all of you for putting up with me through it all.
I'm grateful that Jenn and I could see Emma's band's amazing performance in the dark. It was very spectacular! A memorable event, to say the least. I hope you all get a chance to look at the video of it.
We had a wonderful stake conference today with Elder Steven Petersen as our visiting authority. If I had to tell you one thing that I came away with it would be that "Obedience brings blessings. Obedience with exactness brings miracles."  Missionaries know about that, I'm told. I'm going to test it out.
Good things are happening in our family. Thomas's engagement. Jennifer's safe travels. Lauren's feeling better. I don't suppose most of you know that she's been at InstaCare and in the ER for dehydration. She received 4.5 liters of fluid before she could start keeping things down and feeling better. She seems to be having a few more good days than bad days and we're hoping that keeps improving. Emma's band is doing better than ever. I'm so grateful for all of the good things we experience because of all of your goodness.
I thought of all of our grandchildren in Primary programs today as one of the ward primaries sang a musical number in our Stake Conference. I could see in my mind our grandchildren singing with great gusto, "I know He lives! I will follow faithfully! My heart I give to Him. I know that my Savior loves me."  I sure hope they all know that, because He does! I wish we could have seen you all give your talks today. I'm sure you did fabulously - speaking and singing!
I'm still recuperating from a post-exam migraine. I'm doing much better today, but am going to cut this short and get to bed. Have a terrific week!
Family Challenge Update: (come on, Alex! We can do it!!!!)
Ruth 104
Elise 101
Robin 91
Alex 91
Emma 59

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