Sunday, September 27, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park - Mostly

Whatever you do, don't take good health for granted! We've been involved with some sick people this week and have been reminded what a blessing it is to have strong, healthy bodies. Grandpa has been here for a few days. He's doing fairly well for what's going on, but is slow, weak, tired and in constant pain. He can't walk far or very fast, but he can't sit for too long either. He gets up in the night to walk around and has to use a catheter at night. His spirits seem well and he spends time catching up with friends. He talked with Barbara Winder this morning (former R.S. General President and matron of the Nauvoo Temple when Grandpa and Jenny were there). While Dad was talking with Grandpa, he (Grandpa) got a phone call. "Hello." "Hello, Angus. This is Dallin. I'm just calling to check on you." Somehow Elder Oaks had heard about Grandpa's cancer and called to see how things were going! Dad wondered if that was because last week when he (Dad) was visiting with Elder Ballard, Dad mentioned Grandpa's condition and thinks maybe Elder Ballard passed it on to Elder Oaks. Amazing that men with such a load, especially at conference time, would make time to check on friends. I hope to be more like that.

In addition to the sickness around here, Bret Allred broke his leg in a motorcycle accident. He had to swerve to avoid a car whose driver didn't see him, and crashed his bike. What a blessing to "only" have a broken leg! Certainly could have been much, much worse. He'll have surgery next week, but it's a leg instead of a neck or back. Just be careful! Take care of yourselves and be careful driving motorcycles - or cars - or bikes - or airplanes - or when you're walking,,,

I drove down to Payson to watch Emma's marching band performance yesterday. They are a small band but have an impressive sound. They have a very fun show with entertaining music and visuals, with cannons, swords, a ship helm and even some pretty good marching! I hope some of you get to see the show this year.

Emma and I did our best to see the eclipse tonight, but there were clouds in Cache Valley. We didn't get to see it at all. We were sorely disappointed! I hope some of you got to see it. I know Jenn did and Ruth's family watched it, too. Quite an amazing occurrence. Signs in the heavens.... ?

CONGRATULATIONS, Jenn and Scott! If you need any help with this one, you know the team to call! I'm sure the gals would all be willing to come again. We had a great time last year! We should make it an annual tradition! Are you ready to buy another house each fall? We are cheap labor and we do a good job when we're all together... What do you say girls??

Have a great week, all. Love you lots...

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