Sunday, October 18, 2015

Flake Frenzy

18 October 2015 - Well, we did it again.  We purchased another house and signed the closing papers on Friday.  The current tenants will be there for the rest of the month and then we'll go in and do a little bit of painting and tidying up.  Then it will be ready to rent out again!

This week has been pretty decent.  I spent the week in meetings and in moving my office to Holbrook.   We both had Friday off which was really nice.  We were able to accomplish quite a bit.  We bottled what could be our last batch of tomatoes (we only got 32 quarts this year), helped TJ (Scott's cousin) pour the footings for his house, got the old tiller in semi-working condition (we just need an engine), helped a neighbor set up her daughter's wedding reception, changed the oil in the car, and other miscellaneous things. 
This is the tiller that Scott is rebuilding

As some of you know, I'm coming up to Logan this week and would love to see whoever is around! 

Here are some pictures from the Blood Moon the other week!

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