Sunday, October 11, 2015

Happy in Hyde Park

How wonderful was conference?!! Such an uplifting, motivating, invigorating weekend. It counts as my favorite weekend(s) of the year, for sure - with or without a headache. We were especially glad for the Harts' and Nilssons' company on that weekend. We enjoyed listening and discussing the amazing messages and solidified our family challenge goals.

Speaking of the Family Challenge:  So, for this first week, there were 20 points possible because we began on Wednesday. The breakdown is this...
Ruth - 20
Elise - 19
Alex - 18
Mom - 16
Dad   - 5
Garrett - 5
Emma - 4

Just so everyone knows, we are all working on the challenge - and even some who didn't sign up. But, as Alex very eloquently said, "return and report" is a principle of the gospel! We must all remember to report every day how we've done (and we get an extra point as an incentive). Don't get discouraged if you have a bad day! Hang in there! Keep going! "Be calm and challenge on".....!!!

Emma is in the midst of her marching band competition season and feels good about their performances, regardless of what the judges say. They do have a great show and I hope you all get to see it sometime this season. Thomas is "Big Blue-ing" away. Lots of games. Lots of time. He's loving it.  Dad is swimming in stake work and work work. We attended a retirement presentation this week and discovered that we won't be rich after Dad retires, but should get along okay, which was comforting. You should all take a financial planning class for young couples so you can do better at preparing than we have! I'm still trying to prepare for the NARM exam. I was told at a conference I went to recently that it's like the Bar Exam for lawyers. It's a big deal. I'm trying to study a little for it each day. Hope it pays off. I'll take the exam at Weber State in a few weeks.

I am enjoying my new porch bench - see photo below! Even though I don't get to sit on it often, I love seeing it whenever I drive into the driveway. Thanks to Ruth for constructing it and Elise and Emma and Peter for painting it! Maybe you all know already, but it is made from the headboard and footboard of my mother's bed. Kind of a neat family history treasure.

When looking for a certificate I need to turn in for graduation, I came across the Ping-Pong bracket list from a few years back that I knew I had kept for Alex, but couldn't find when he wanted it. Here it is, in all its glory! It must have been a competition played while Lauren was on her mission because she is not listed as a contender. Alex wanted you all to see that he was truly in the championship playoff bracket at one time :)

1 comment:

  1. It's a good thing that we all married good Ping-Pong players. Otherwise Dad wouldn't have much competition!
