Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hart Happenings

It's been a while since we checked in here on the "blob". We are all alive and well. The boys have enjoyed some new experiences recently like laser tag which they played at a friend's birthday party. Ian is becoming an excellent babysitter and we sure appreciate how responsible he is and how willing to help out. 
We spent a lot of time outside because The weather report predicted a drastic drop in temperatures next week, but it's looking like it might have been a false alarm as the temperatures in the forecast are increasing steadily. 
The house hunting saga continues. We haven't tabled the building idea by any means but we've also been looking at pre existing structures. The latest one that caught my eye is a nice 1929 brick home on 4 acres with the most beautiful barn you've ever seen. Seriously. I'm trying to get Alex excited about the prospect of turning the barn into a house. He has some reservations. 
We had a great FHE with mom and dad and Emma on Monday. The kids actually remembered the stuff we talked about when I quizzed them about it this morning which is a vast improvement over what they usually retain. Thanks best grandparents ever!
Alex and I enjoyed a leadership dinner and training with his FreeLife company this weekend which was really great. We have met some really stellar people through this organization and it's fun to get together and talk about inspiring things. 
We also went on a double date with some friends to our favorite taco wagon and the local corn maze, where we learned that there are serious, life threatening risks associated with agritourism and that we were assuming said risks by entering the corn maze. Dad, what are you not telling us? But it was so fun! Not to brag, but we totally rocked getting through the maze and all exited with a fine click of the heels. 

1 comment:

  1. Happy continued house hunting! P.S. I'd love to live in a barn ;)
    Thanks for always posting such fun photos!! It's my favorite part of the blog!
