Sunday, October 25, 2015

Superfluously Me

Again with the title, I have no idea what superfluously means, but it sounded cool so whatevs.

Okay okay okay... prepare to be amazed with the marching band! I'm pretty sure most of you know the story, but in case anyone missed it I'm totally willing to retell it.  We went to the Davis Cup in Davis county (imagine that) and everyone in the band was super pumped! we were totally prepared to knock AF out of the water! We were kinda really excited! Anyway, we performed around 9 Pm and the stands were very full (mostly AF and Davis people but a few of ours too).  So we ran onto the field and began our show.  We were doing pretty good, and we sounded really great.  Mr. Beach was down on the track cheering us on and we could see the rest of the staff up by the press box.  Well we got to the fourth movement and began it.  We got about ten measures into it and we lost all power in the stadium! everything went pitch black! But without skipping a beat cuz stopping really didn't seem like an option, we kept going and our music shot through the roof! Our dynamic levels sky rocketed and we played so together even though we couldn't really see the drum majors! IT WAS AWESOME! We had a couple run in's but thanks to sister Pederson's inspiration earlier that day, the entire staff had been praying for our safety for an unknown reason! No one was injured and we delivered the most breathtaking performance ever! We listened to the judges tapes the next day and we had the visual judge in tears by the end.  At first we couldn't see anything, but then people started turning on their flashlights until pretty much the whole field was illuminated by cell phone lights! The crowd could not be quiet! They didn't stop cheering until we were well off the field after our performance! when we were exiting the announcer said "That is the best show I've never seen!" The lights and power stayed off the rest of our show but they got them working before the next band had to go on.  We hit our power pose and our drum major saluted the crowd very very enthusiastically and then jumped off the podium he was so pumped! We pretty much all yelled after we were done and several of us were crying;) then we got back to the buses and Mr. Beach got up and gave the best Beach Speech ever! I loved it! then we crowded into the stands to await our fate.  We got second which is great:) We didn't really care what we got honestly because we were so amazing! Then our video within two days got 7,000 views and if that doesn't seem like a usually gets about 400 views sometimes and mostly it's just from band kids and their families watching it an insane amount of times.  Anyway, the school recognized us and had a standing ovation at one of our assemblies for us so that was cool! then KSL got wind of it and we got on the news! They interviewed a couple of the leaders and did a little story on us:) it's nice to get recognized for something you do right i guess! Here's the link...I hope one of them works!


  1. Emma you are incredible! I wish I could have been there! I watched the link and I could just feel the energy. Don't you love those once in a lifetime experiences?!

  2. That was so fun to watch! You guys rock! Glad you decided to do band this year. Good job on the solo too.
