Sunday, October 25, 2015

Nilsson News

You'd think that with a post title like ours, that there would actually be some exciting news to read about.  Well hopefully one of these days we will be able to make that happen.  For now, we were primary programming today as well and I know Jenn was too!  It was so fun!  It is hard to believe that next year, Eliza will be up there.  Uh, that is a pretty scary proposition to think about since she seems to be a fearless child.  Heaven help her sunbeam teacher!
The missionary work in our ward has really taken off.  We have been having someone in our home being taught by the missionaries (it really helps when you have a stellar companionship that you can trust) and she seems really sincere and interested.  A mom, her daughter and sister, drove here from California and ended up finding our ward and Garrett has given them some good job referrals.  They are getting baptized on Saturday.  Yesterday a family came to our ward harvest dinner and they are from Russia!  They seem pretty open to being taught as well.  I've been polishing up on the language so hopefully I can communicate better with them. Missionary work is exciting!
It was a blast to see Jenn.  She was able to take part in our science experiment of making bouncy balls.  Thanks for your help sister!  Congrats to mom in passing her test!!!!!  We know how worried you were about it but you honestly had nothing to worry about.  You are amazing!  I heard some awesome compliments about Emma and her marching band show.  In the dark?!  She is amazing too!  Wow.  I have an amazing family.
I have to say that this family challenge is definitely challenging.  Last time I liked having a free day each week, especially with the refraining from sugar goal of mine, but it is good for me!  Along those challenge lines, here is my ponderizing scripture.  I'm hoping it helps me to lessen my reproving moments:
Doctrine and Covenants 121:41-43
41.  No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned.
42.  By kindness and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy and without guile.
43.  Reproving betimes with sharpness when moved upon by the Holy Ghost, and then showing an increase of love afterwards towards him whom thou hast reproved lest he esteem thee to be his enemy.

Here is something that made me chuckle.  I was putting bowls on the table for lunch when Eliza came over to see what I was doing.  She promptly walked over to the dishwasher and opened it.  I asked her what she was doing.  She matter of factly responded, "I need a flat bowl for my dinner," and with that she grabbed out a plate.

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