Sunday, October 25, 2015

Hart Happenings

The Primary Program was today which was delightful. Afterward I had a load of people come and tell me that "we sure could hear your son singing". Jack just let it all out. The music leader gave the signal for more volume and Jack gave her exactly that. So funny. 
We're just enjoying the beautiful fall weather these days. We had a blast indulging in the quintessential autumn activity of apple harvest at the home base. It was fun to climb the trees, toss the rotten apples to the chickens, and break it up with a rigorous game of football. Visiting with Jenn was definitely a highlight as was being there when mom got the news that she passed her test with flying colors! Pretty sure no one doubted that she would, but she was sure relieved when she got the tangible proof that she is oh so brilliant and capable. Go mom!
I went to a book club last night and we discussed Viktor Frankl's book Man's Search for Meaning. I would highly recommend it! I was struck as I was sitting there by how much I enjoyed this monthly activity. I hope you are all able to tap into activities on a regular basis that lift you up, inspire you, and challenge your mind. 
The house hunt continues.....
The boys are loving school and are soaking up everything at an alarming rate! I really have to be on my toes to keep up with them. 
Sure love you guys and can't wait to be with you all at Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I love it when you post photos! What handsome boys you have! I would like to see some pictures of Peter soccering, if you have any :)
