Sunday, October 11, 2015

Nilsson News

We are still here even though our presence has not been very good on the blog lately!  This family challenge has been great and has got me up and going and accomplishing goals.  I am very sore and I don't there is a muscle in my body that doesn't ache, but oh it the good kind of ache.  It's great!  I want to thank all of you for contributing to my home improvement fund;)  I have to call it that because my ideas for the winnings change just about every day (new pantry, front door makeover, kitchen update, bathroom, etc.).  I don't know why it takes an actual challenge to get me moving but it does and it's so invigorating.
Conference was just wonderful and I look.  On Sunday we got to spend some quality time with the Harts and Bellistons.  We saw Nick for a few minutes but he didn't stay long because he was being a good hubby and taking care of Lauren who had a bad headache.

Yesterday we did applesauce.  I have to thank mom for the wonderful memory foam kitchen mat because it saved my feet during all the apple cutting!  Addy and Emerson were troopers and did all the squashing and cranking.  I think we are about through with the harvest but now I need to arrange my storage room so you can find all this yummy goodness.

Updates: Henry has one tooth and another barely visible.  Eliza is still working on her potty training (sigh).  Emerson has discovered the joy in reading once he found out that grandma pays him for his pages.  Addy is preparing for her halloween piano recital .  Garrett is training for the Moab Marathon which is in November.  I have resumed my oil painting now that my neighbor has returned from her mission.  Last but not least, our chickens have now begun the hobby of egg laying.

The scripture I decided to ponderize this week is D&C 101:38
"And seek the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls.  And ye shall have eternal life."
Short and sweet but it has been a good one for me to think about this week.  I am not a patient person, and it looks like I'm going to need to change that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! We told Scott's cousin the other day that her daughter McKinnley would be best freinnemies with Eliza. They are so similar and adorable!
