Sunday, October 25, 2015

Flake Fun

25 October 2015 - First off a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Mom for passing her exam!  How incredible is she?  I arrived back in Snowflake safe and sound.  So glad that I was able to see everyone for at least a couple of minutes during this little trip.  Thanks for your hospitality and good times.

We discovered a tender mercy yesterday.  As Mom well knows, little Suzie (our car) was a bit shaky during this trip and after I got back we decided we needed to get the tires rotated and the alignment checked.  So yesterday we took it to the tire shop.  Not long after we handed over the keys one of the guys came back and said "Did you notice the wires sticking out of your tires?"  We went back to look and 2 of the tires were shot.  A third one had a very troublesome spot. The guy told us that when the tires start separating, the car will have a tendency to shake!  Scott asked how much longer they would last and the man told us "Ten minutes before you got here!" So, to make a long story short, the car is getting 4 new tires on Tuesday!    I felt very blessed to have returned home in safety, I'll tell you what!

The weather in Snowflake has turned cold.  Scott built a fire on Friday night which took the chill off of the house. 

The primary program went well today.  McKayla remembered her name and her part and no one cried!  I would call that a success. 

Congrats to the Mannings!  Yay for babies!  Hope you don't feel too sick. 

Interesting story of the week:  Yesterday we were digging up some potatoes and Scott tossed a good sized one over to me.  Now, it took a second for my mind to realize what I was holding.  The potato in my hand was only half of a potato.  But, despite my initial thought, it had not been cut in half by the shovel.  No, it had been EATEN in half, underground.  Folks, I think we have gophers.  Thoughts?


  1. It was so great to see you on Thursday. Sounds like you cut it close with your tires. Sheesh sis! Glad Makayla came through. And gophers sounds like an interesting new development in the Snowflake gardening saga.

  2. Thanks so much for being here, Jenn! I couldn't have done it without your! And thanks to Scott for putting up with your absence. Glad to hear the program was a success!
