Monday, February 9, 2015

Hyde Park week

This week, Emma was completely focused on dance gowns.  Why does she want one?  "I'm a girl!"  Actually there was a dance this week that she couldn't go to and so she had to appease the desire by looking at dresses.
Ruth and Addie made a visit and we all went to the monster concert which is always fun.  Lauren led several musical groups and Emma played in one of the groups.
We had several visitors on Sunday which was delightful.  There was a bishopric change in the YSA stake and that occupied Jim's attention.  Things really change quickly in the YSA setting.  Soon they will have put in a complete new High Council and they have changed half of the bishoprics.
The weather has been great.  Jim walked to work this morning and then it rained in the afternoon. But rain in February?  Really!

1 comment:

  1. The weather has been in the upper 60's here. Strange but beautiful!
