Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Odyssey

After 4 days of being apart, we are back together again!  Joe went to California for a few days for a conference and learned lots, but is happy to be back home.  Lori spent the time up in Salt Lake and the kids had fun with their cousins.
After a couple months of looking, we finally found a van that should work for our family!  It's a 2005 Honda Odyssey with doors that open automatically (a required feature).  Hopefully it will last through all the many trips we plan on the grocery store and back.
Joe got a new calling as the Elder's Quorum first counselor.  It is sad to leave the young men's program but it's probably time for him to start growing up.
Grant is doing a good job of potty training, but we still have some work to do.  Grace has been super helpful and reads him books while he sits on the potty so he doesn't get off to quickly.
Lori started teaching voice lessons again but just to a couple of students for now.

Quotes of the week: "Grace just close your eyes and take a bite of dinner."  "It's not my eyes that don't                                     like it!"
                                 "I liked to play with cars when I was a kid." -Grant

1 comment:

  1. Those kiddos of yours crack me up! I wish I could put an audio recorder on both Grace and Grant. Then I could laugh every day!
    Glad you got home, Joe, and glad you have a new van! I hope it makes a trip to Cache Valley one of these days :)
