Monday, February 2, 2015

Nilsson News-
Well the big news for the week was Eliza's birthday celebration.  At this age it seems the celebrating is done more for the enjoyment of the older siblings.  Mom and Emma came down early in the day.  Emma helped immensely making cupcakes and pizzas.  Eliza began to fall asleep during dinner so we thought we'd better open presents.  What an ordeal!  She was pleased with just one present but wouldn't suffice for the older children.  They would plop another present on her lap and "help" her to open it.  After that, we went swimming at surf and swim (Ruth did not swim.  It is against her personal religion to wear a swimsuit while pregnant).  Thomas, Lauren and Nick, and dad joined us and it was so much fun!  It is hard to believe that Eliza is now a two year old.  If you ask her how old she is she will tell you three, so we are still working on that one.
A pregnancy update- I'm still pregnant.  This little guy is extremely active and is still doing somersaults.  He is measuring a week big so maybe he will come early.  Very slim chance or rather, very round chance.  Lately I have thought about some comments that I find somewhat entertaining that people seem to ask frequently.
"So, how are you feeling?"  They never just ask, how are you.  What kind of answer are they looking for?  Honestly, I'm feeling huge, I'm feeling like a punching bag, I'm feeling like a beached whale, I'm feeling like a walking zombie who can't sleep because her hips go numb.  The answer, "Oh, just fine."
"When is your exact due date?"  Why do they need to know an exact date?  My exact date I will let you know when this baby decides to come.  That will be the exact date.  Right now, 3ish weeks will have to suffice.
"Wow, you look like you have dropped!"  I really haven't come up with a response to this one.  It catches me off guard each time.
"I see you're pregnant.  What are you having?"  Ummm. I'm having a baby.
In response to your saying you don't induce labor, they often say, "My doctor said I had to be induced otherwise I would just stay pregnant."  Really?  I've never know of anyone that has been eternally pregnant.
Kind of funny what people say.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for asking too many questions - too many dumb questions. I'm trying to think of just the right questions to ask you when I talk with you, Ruthie. How about, "How are things going?" or maybe not ask any questions at all... :)
