Sunday, February 1, 2015

Hart Happenings Jan 26-February 01, 2015

Peter is potty trained! He is a rock star and totally nailed it!never my favorite phase of child-rearing but I can't complain because the boys have gone pretty easy on me. The only better option I gues would be what my friend arranged. She would have her mother in law come up and potty train her kids for her!
Things up here have been cold! But the weather is supposed to get into the high 40s this week which is wierd for February.  Because of the cold, we have been laying pretty low, playing a lot of board games. Jack learned chess and is already a formidable opponent.
The boys are having a blast learning about the solar system in their homeschool and we are reading The Secret Garden together which is delightful.
We've been trading sickness back and forth here and I'm so done with it. The other morning Peter woke up coughing and I asked him, "where did that cough come from"? He replied, "from my mouth." Oh. Of course. Silly me.
Funny that we're all caught up in house projects. I wonder if it's because we've now been confined to our houses for a few months and the improvements that need to be made are constantly before us. But it's fun to see what everyone is up to!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Peter,
    Woo Hoo!! Way to go!! You are so great!! Big hugs for you!! Happy Day!! And no more coughing for you :)

    Hey, so what house projects are you guys doing? I can't even get laundry done and bathrooms cleaned these days much less take on a remodeling project!
