Sunday, February 15, 2015


The weather in Cache Valley has been amazingly lovely lately. I know I should be worried about having enough water in the summer time, but it's been so nice that it is hard to worry. We are trying to enjoy the moment instead of fussing about the future, especially if we can't do much about it. We'll just have to be as prepared as we can, I guess.

This has been a week of miracles, really. Dad gave me a blessing one day because I had been sick for too long and had things to do. Awful flu. I went back to bed after the blessing, then realized after a few minutes that I felt better. Got up, showered, spent the day helping at the birth center, then went to my phlebotomy class at night. Felt fine all day. Miracle. Plain and simple.

Thanks to Dad and Alex, I finally made an appointment with the doctor this week. Dr. Faux told me two years ago that I had Grave's disease (hyperactive thyroid condition with lots of crazy symptoms) and strongly encouraged surgery or radiation to remove or kill the thyroid. I couldn't feel good about either option, so declined both. I was also quite anemic at that time. I've been working on things a little on my own and saying lots of prayers. Dr. Faux ordered more blood tests this week and all came back normal - thyroid, hemoglobin, metabolic screen - all normal. Miracle. Plain and simple. The Lord is very good to me and I am very grateful.

Haven't seen much of Lauren or Thomas this week, but they are both alive and well. Emma is busy with school and dance. She spends every spare minute looking at formal gowns online. One of these days she'll be asked to a formal dance and she can purchase a gown and wear it instead of just looking at them.

Dad took me to the temple and to Sweetly Divine for lunch on Valentine's Day. We don't often get to the temple together. It was divinely sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That is such good news! So glad you went. Glad you had a good Valentine's Day. Too bad we don't have gowns for Emma to play in anymore. Alas! Looking will have to do. Maybe she could make one out of duct tape.
