Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hart Happenings Feb. 01-07, 1015

This week was great.  We have all benefited from the nice weather and have been outside as much as possible.  We got the Christmas lights all untangled from the house, trees and fences which is nice, so the next nice spell we get can be pruning time.
We all enjoyed a trip to Twin Falls with Alex and his business team on Monday.  It was fun to meet more of the people he is working with.  They are excellent folks.
Alex deserves a medal for the work he's been doing on the house lately.  You know all those problems that you just live with because they're not totally disrupting the flow, but are just nagging annoyances?  Well, Alex enlisted some help from our wonderful neighbor (I hope we are all as wonderful neighbors as the Perkes have been to us) and they donned on their plumber hats and went to work clearing/blowing out all our pipes and drains.  It is a little bit of heaven.  I also should insert here that not long ago Alex replaced our shower head and we now enjoy a luxury shower these days. I don't think I realized how horrible the other one was (I always exited the shower feeling like I had been under attack from stinging shard of hot water) until we got the new one.  So if you've been steering clear of the Hart residence because of that fact, come try us again.  
Alex and I enjoyed going to the Banff Film Festival on Friday with some good friends of ours.  I'm always amazed at how adventurous some people are.  My adventurous drive takes me to the Festival and I come out feeling like I've really accomplished something watching all these other people almost die.  Here is one of the films we watched.  Who wants to go to the Isle of Skye?  Who's with me?
The boys are all well.  They've been making lots of forts lately and Lego wonders.  It's so fun to watch them get along.  They were learning about the Middle Ages last week and I let them watch The Court Jester (because that is such an accurate depiction of the times), but they thought it was hysterical.  "Yea, verily, yea." and it was fun seeing that get passed on to the next generation.  They have also been listening to Soup by Robert Newton Peck and they loved it and have been quoting it ever since.  It's super rewarding as a mom to watch them develop these inside jokes and interact with each other on a level that doesn't entail so much shouting and wrestling, although there is still plenty of that.  
Saturday was absorbed in Stake Basketball, which was fun and ended with a crowd of 15 or so (missionaries included) at Chuck-a-Rama.  Good times and great memories.  It's really fun to watch the missionaries interact with our boys and see the boys get more excited for their turn to go out and engage in the missionary experience.

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of Peter. Poor soul, having to scrounge up his own food! But he seems quite capable!
