Sunday, February 22, 2015

Flake Fun

22 Feb 2014 - Congrats to the Nilssons on their new addition!  Welcome to the family Henry!  Can't wait to see pictures!

We are currently sitting at home, nice and warm while the wind howls outside.  For some reason it has been really windy the past couple of days.  But despite the wind it has been a good weekend.  we just returned from a special stake conference with Elder Russel M. Nelson.  He was physically there and it was a great conference. 

This week at work was pretty routine.  It was nice to only have a 3 day work week since we didn't have to work on President's Day.  I sat on an interview panel for my new boss.  A current health department employee was hired and will start tomorrow.  I am excited to be able to work with him but a little concerned about the line of authority since it appears that my former boss (who was promoted to Deputy Director) doesn't seem to want to let me work "just" for the preparedness program any more.  But time will tell.  Work keeps Scott busy.

With 3 full days off this week we accomplished quite a bit on the house.  We were able to hire a friend from the ward to come and clean up the yard a little bit so it has been weed-eated...eaten...?  and all of the pavers have been piled in one area.  Dad Flake came over yesterday and helped Scott install a vanity, the blinds and the new floor in the kitchen.  I think we are nearly to the "small project" point of putting things back together.

We had to patch the counter because there were pieces that were coming loose.

So we painted it with countertop paint.

Added paint chips to give it some personality...

Added a clear coat on top and now we have to put it all back together!



1 comment:

  1. So lovely, Jenn! I think the word is "weed-et." :)
    I can't wait to get down there to see the completed project!
