Sunday, February 15, 2015

Nilsson News

Well, last week we stayed home from church because Emerson was sick and this week we stayed home because Addy is sick.  She has the nasty cough, runny nose, congestion gunk.  It lasts f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  We did take Emerson up for primary and in the ten minutes I was there, these were the comments I got:
(First, you need to know that Courtney is a gal who was due the day before me but always comes early and happened to have her baby this past Friday.  In case you are wondering, my "due date" is this coming Friday.)

"You're still here?!"  Um, usually I try to come to church on Sundays.
"How are you feeling?"
"Any day now, right?"  Well, I don't know exactly.  Could be a couple more weeks.
"How are you feeling?"
"No baby yet?" Obviously.  I actually had someone call me on the phone this morning and ask me that.  It was the compassionate service leader.
"Weren't you due the same time as Courtney?" Yep.
"How are you feeling?"
"When is that baby going to get here?"  When he's ready.
"I want to ask Ruth if she is jealous of Courtney."  Someone asked Garrett this and he said, "Please don't." Wise man.
"Wow. You're still cookin'?"  Actually, I cook pretty much every day, three times a day in fact otherwise my family would be pretty hungry.
"How are you feeling?"

I'm sure next week will be even better.  According to the measurements from the past two prenatal exams, I am shrinking. Going backward.  I don't feel like I'm shrinking but I guess we want to start over at the beginning again.  Moving on...
Valentines Day was fun.  We didn't have too much planned but it was nice to be home together.  The cupid left a few little gifts for the kids on our doorstep and they were thrilled.  One of the items was a Wubble ball.  Just imagine an un-popable bubble that is three feet wide and the fun you could have with that.  It is crazy fun and appears to bounce in slow motion.  You should check them out!  Well, that is what I have for this week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Ruthie. So, so sorry! I really don't think you have two more weeks, but if so, all will be well. For your information, it is very typical for moms to measure smaller the last few weeks as the baby sinks lower in the pelvis. Don't despair!! He'll come soon and these days will be behind you :) (Easy for me to say, I know...)
