Sunday, February 1, 2015

Much the Same in Hyde Park

Classes, work, homework, church work... Just lots of work. But good work. Thomas got his major changed to Exercise Science, dropped his crazy anatomy class (taught by Andy Anderson) and is doing an internship as a personal trainer at the Sport's Academy. That was last week's new, but I forgot to mention it.

Everyone else's schedules are about the same. No painting here. No potty training here. We are doing what we have been doing. Even going to the dentist again. I went and had my cracked tooth cemented. The cement fell out. Went and had my cracked tooth cemented, again. Dad went to the dentist and had a cavity filled. Now he has a terrible toothache that keeps him up at night. Back to the dentist he'll go.

Emma has become very interested in Biology and made a hundred flashcards to help her learn all of the names of the kingdoms, phyla, etc. and which organisms go in which categories. She sounds quite scientific.

We don't see Lauren much. She is getting ready for the Monster Concert this coming week. She will be conducting several songs with many students playing on many pianos. It's always a fun event.

So, the highlight of the week was attending Eliza's 2nd birthday party. She was so excited for everyone to come - especially Thomas and Nick! Although she nearly fell asleep during dinner, when she opened her presents, she perked right up. We all enjoyed going to the surf and swim pool near Ruth's house and watching the swimmers ride the waves! The Nilssons and Thomas and Emma had a great time paddling around. I really have a hard time believing Eliza's already two!

Well, I did my first IV this week. Not fun. I really would rather not poke people. I guess it's great when you need to, but this is part of my training I could do without. However, I have to do many more blood draws and IV placements and need some volunteers. Anyone willing?

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