Sunday, February 8, 2015

Nilsson News

Well, I decided to write since I am sitting home from church with Emerson and Eliza.  Emerson threw up during the night and still wasn't 100% this morning.  Maybe he had heat exhaustion from playing outside so much yesterday in the 70 degree weather!  I was up most of the night as well having contractions every 6 minutes, but they didn't amount to anything.  Addy and I were able to go on a date up to Logan to watch Lauren and Emma perform in the Monster Concert.  We had the rare privilege of seeing Professor Amano perform on the piano!  Lauren said that in all her years at the university she has never seen him play the piano.  It was a treat!
Earlier this week, we celebrated the 100th day of school.  The kids have been adding a sticker each day to a chart until reaching 100.  It has been a great way to teach Emerson counting skills.  We had a fun day of doing dot-to-dots to 100, math games adding up to 100, and learning about what life was like 100 years ago.  We are more than halfway through the school year!
Here is another funny pregnancy comment I got this week:
"Are you hanging in there?"  Well, not exactly.  The baby is sure hanging in there but I'm kind of hanging out.  In a big way.
Happy tropical weather!  Really, pray for a big storm and then maybe this baby would think about coming.


  1. Bummer. Sick kids are no fun. Hope Emer is feeling better and that he didn't pass it along to anyone else. I loved your idea about the 100 days into school thing. I'll have to remember that for next year. I just finished a book called Simplicity Parenting and I loved it! It was soooo refreshing and helped me refocus. It might be a good nursing companion for you in the near future if you want to check it out. Hang out there!

  2. That 100 days idea is ingenious! You always have fun ideas like that! We have overcast weather here so maybe we'll send a storm your way to get things moving!!!
