Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy in Springville

We added a new member to our family last week.  A 2005 Honda Odyssey.  The only complaint we had was that it didn't smell too good, so they set off an odor bomb inside (still not quite sure what that is) and it's pretty good now.  However, Grace told me that my "smelling device" doesn't work too well so what do I know?

I tried to fix our broken faucet and failed, so I let it sit there for two weeks before asking our neighbor to come help me.  He came over and ended up totaling destroying the old one with a hammer and then the new one went on easy as can be.  I just need to remember not to be so nice when it comes to fixing things around the house in the future.

Our adventures this week include waking up to Grant throwing up all over the room at 1:00am and then spending the next our or so, cleaning up, taking showers, and doing laundry.  We watched our wedding video for valentines day and it's interesting to see how rested and alive we looked at the time.

Lori is teaching a couple voice lessons again and should get a medal for taking care of 4 crazy kids and a husband without ever complaining or going crazy herself!

Jake has learned how to be mobile by rolling wherever he needs to go.  I don't know how he doesn't get dizzy, but he seems to enjoy himself.  Joy is content just sitting in one place on not moving at all.  If she wants something she just coos and there are plenty of people who rush to her aid and give her whatever they think she is asking for.

1 comment:

  1. I totally get looking back at wedding videos. I just shake my head and think, "you poor stiffs. You have no idea what's coming!" It's all great, but exhausting too. Sorry about your sick kiddo. Hopefully Grant kept it to himself and it didn't get spread around.
    Congrats on the new ride. I want an odor bomb for the boys' room.
    Glad for the update. Hope to see you guys soon!
