Sunday, February 8, 2015

Flake Fun

8 February 2015 - This week has been one event after another with 2 very out of the ordinary events.

On Monday I had a meeting in Holbrook so Scott & I had decided to take advantage of being in the same place and have lunch together.  I had just finished up some emails and was on my way to Scott's office when Mary, the deputy finance director and emergency management director informed me that "an incident" had just been reported.  One of the clerks in the courts had found a white powder substance while opening the mail.  That set forth an avalanche of activity.  My boss called to say he was on his way. My coworker Bob was called in to assess the situation.  I called to inform local emergency rooms that there was a possibility of contamination. For the next 7 hours I was able to see what my job really entails.   It was madness.  The whole government complex was on lockdown.  A state HazMat team was called in and had to come in from Phoenix.  The FBI was there to be ready to take over in the case that the powder was really a bioterrorism threat.  When we were finally told that we (all employees in the complex) could go home, everyone had to do an observed bleach-water hand-washing and leave their contact information in case of symptom onset.  A few hours later we were informed that the substance had been identified (it was sheetrock dust that the clerk had brushed up against) and the building had been cleared to open the next morning for business.

The other out of the ordinary event is summed up in the following pictures:

Can you see that?  Any idea what it is?

Yep, another snake in the basement. 

The house...yes the house.  We were able to get quite a few things done in this weekend.  Scott had Friday off (he usually gets one a month or so) and so we worked about 8 hours that day on the house and another 9 or so hours on Saturday.  We nearly got the kitchen finished off.  The floor in the living room and kitchen still need to be done and we need a second coat of paint in the spare bathroom.  The big project that we were working on this weekend was the kitchen countertop.  There were places that the laminate had come up so we had to patch that and now we are in the process of refinishing the countertop.  Refinishing the spare bathroom vanity was my little project.  It is going to be fantastic! I'll upload pics when it is done but here are some "pre" pics for you to see what I started with!

1 comment:

  1. Never a dull moment! I wonder what it costs the faithful taxpayers of America to put a response like that into play.......
    Have you named your snake? Are you coexisting peacefully or has it been evicted?
    Looks productive at the house. Love seeing pictures of the progress!
