Sunday, November 5, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

We had quite an eventful week... I had the blessing of taking lunch to Ruth Ann Clark and staying with her for a few hours while Dennis was at work. She has been quite ill and he doesn't like to leave her alone. We visited and ate and then she showed me around her house that has recently been remodeled. Wow! It is a masterpiece with lots of hidden wonders, including an elevator! I made a valiant effort to not covet! That same night we had a fall festival party with the YSA stake. Some of the members dressed up and Emma and her roommate even came as old ladies! We ate chili inside and had a trunk or treat and dance in the parking lot. It was cold, but very well attended and all had a good time.

Dad and I took off Tuesday to the thriving metropolis of Ely, Nevada to visit Uncle Larry and Aunt Wilma. It's quite the place! We thought the Denny's restaurant might be a safe place to eat but we really had to really hunt for it and finally found it hiding inside a hotel and casino. Uncle Larry is very thin and weak, but is up and around and feisty as ever! He laughed and talked and seemed very glad for our visit. He is 82 and can't see or hear well any more. Their daughter, Stacy, is living with them this year and teaching school in Ely so that she can spend time with her dad since they really don't know what is going to happen. He refuses to go back to any more doctors because he doesn't feel they have helped him in any way.

We drove from Ely to Delta, Utah, another thriving metropolis. It was delightful to drive through all the small towns on our way to Springville. We visited with Lori and the children for a little bit, but sadly missed seeing Joe. Things are lively at that house and we were treated with lots of smiles from everyone, including little Hope! We spent some time with Grandpa and Christi and arrived just as word came from the doctor that Grandpa had a "raging UTI." He is now on some antibiotics for that. Hopefully that will help him feel better for a while. We enjoyed having dinner with the Mannings and being entertained by Wesley before heading back home. It was a fun, quick trip.

I went back to Ogden the next day for some appointments and Dad had a meeting in Salt Lake all day on Friday - lots of back and forth! I ended up driving with Emma to Lehi on Friday morning, but that's her story....

We were glad to stay home on Saturday and get some work done in our house and go to the temple together. Because we were gone so much this week, the rain and snow got here before the leaves got off the lawn. The front leaves are in piles, but they totally blanket the back yard! Hopefully the sun will shine long enough in the coming week for us to get them off the grass.

Have a lovely week, all! And the Happiest of Birthdays to Grace today!!  8 years old already!!

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