Sunday, November 12, 2017

...And Loving It

Pretty much literally nothing happened this week.... I feel like I'm slowly failing college so that's always a party, but as Mr. Nick Manning said, chemistry is for the dogs.  I couldn't agree more. 

So Mom got kind of huffy when I told her I'm having my mission call sent to my apartment instead of our house.  My reasoning is because I want to be the first one to touch and hold it :) call me petty.  I know I'm thinking WAY in advance, but it's gonna be the best thing ever so I can't help it.  I promised mom that I wouldn't open it if any of you wanted to be here in person to see me open it, but if nobody is gonna be here, I'm just gonna open it the second I get it ;) So yep.  That's the master plan.  Give me two months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But yeah, that's all I got.  Hope everyone has a great week.  Hyde Park may be Zion, but I wouldn't recommend the winters.  They're actually the worst up on campus.  Love you.

1 comment:

  1. Put that horrible thought right out of your head this instant, Emma B.! You better be face timing me when you open your call.....or else.....I mean it! Foot stamp for emphasis!
