Sunday, November 19, 2017

Hart Happenings

Can I just put it out there how entertaining and bossy 5 year-olds are?  Peter has kept us in stitches and doing his bidding all week.  We sure are glad he is part of our family!
Life is beyond good up here in Idaho.  We are sitting here in front of the fireplace, laughing at everyone else's blog posts, and feeling cozy beyond belief.
We spent the week recovering from last week's illness but it is believed that we are all in the clear now.  Hooray!  We also got to do science with Ruth's kids, learned some crazy stuff about this planet that we live on, did some fall yard tidying, went to a housewarming party for some friends of ours in their new house, made some fun decorations for our Thanksgiving weekend, and enjoyed a family outing to the local Festival of Trees.  The festival is where different local companies donate beautifully decorated, themed trees and the community turns out and can look at and/or buy them and all the proceeds go to The Development Workshop, a company in town that works with disabled adults.  Ian's choir performed there on Thursday night and it was so fun to listen to him and wander around looking at the trees.  They are all so different and absolutely spectacular!
Another embarrassing story from the annals of Elise Hart's personal history:
  The Mia Maids and I decided to buy Thanksgiving for a family in the ward for our activity on Tuesday.  We chose the family, went and bought the food, decided who would ring the doorbell and run.  We were set.  When we arrived though, we had so many bags that each of us had to carry one or two to the door.  No sooner had I set the first one down than the porch light goes on and the door starts to open.  Well, I promptly dropped my bags and bolted!  Leaving my girls stranded on the front porch in this super shady trailer park!  Not my finest moment.  The girls were actually hot on my heels, but I had no idea of that when I lit out initially!  Que verguenza!
The boys are all doing well.  Excellent actually.  They are great kids.  It's such a treat to watch them do their things.
Alex has been busy making the magic happen.  He takes good care of this family.  We finished the painting project in Jack and Peter's room and now we just have to resolve the conflict between Jack and Peter when it comes to decor.  Jack wants to put up the art that was on the walls before but Peter apparently likes the minimalist approach to decor and doesn't want anything on the walls.

See y'all next week!

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